Did you ever wish you could rip out a scene from a movie and put into your life? In other words, is there a scene out there that would fit perfectly into your life in order to get the ended you wanted at that specific moment? I know life does not work that way, but I think it would be pretty cool if you could do that. You open a large book, almost like an enclyopedia(sp?), find the section you are in right now, whether its DRAMA, LOVE, or COMEDY, and there they are, broken down into catergories, sub categories, super sub categories and so forth. Maybe it should be an electronic device, that way you can get real specific on what you want. You select it. You type the names of the people you want in it and the characters you want them to portray and BOOM! you are whisked off through this portal and arrive in the scene...even in the awesome clothes if you select an 80s movie. And thats it, you do the scene, everything works out and your life gets put back together the way you initially intended it. We all make mistakes. Some alot larger than others. But we all make decisions that we wish we could go back on or change if we could do it all over again. The only problem with that is that the decision you make not only affects you, but more importantly it affects someone else. Your actions will affect you, but they also affect someone else. I have made poor decisions. TONS. But none more than the one I made a couple months ago. I will not get into details, but just know I was selfish and probably fucked up something with incredible potential. As much as I want that second chance, its not up to me and I understand that...................BUT if I had my super duper movie scene mistake maker fixer upper I would select the following scene or scene to make things right.....
KARATE KID- Daniel Son pulls up to the Arcade in the new car, the bright yellow one, that Miagui gave him for his birthday, looking for Allie. And yes, I want the song YOUNG HEARTS playing in the backgroud still. He eventually finds Allie in the arcade, but she just is not having it. She wants nothing to do with him, but Daniel Son is relentless. He keeps interrupting her game of bubble hockey, then risks his life by getting shot in the Air Rifle video game. Now my situation does not involve anyone punching anyone, and I didnt get spaghetti dumped all over me, but still..the scene fits. Daniel Son figures out what the real deal is and that Allie was in the right and he was in the wrong. He chases her down outside the giant water slide and does what Daniel Son does....sweeps the leg.........kidding. He fesses up. Allie gives him a second chance. They kiss. MUSIC KICKS UP! Allie drives Daniel Son's new car off and they both yell BONZAI! BONZAI! BONZAI!
Thats my scene. If anyone from APPLE or Microsoft happens to read this blog, make it happen.