To keep myself from going insane before the Pats/Jets Monday night game, I figured I would write another blog no one reads. I just can't sit in front of my tv any longer and hear Stu Scott tell me that Mark Sanchez needs to play well tonight for the Jets to win and same goes for the Patriots defense. So let me get this straight Stu and all of ESPN...
If the Jets score, they win BUT...
if the Patriots keep the Jets from scoring, they win?? MIND EXPLOSION!
Over the weekend, I got a few people tell me they actually read my blog. First I told them that they need to get a girlfriend because no one should have time to read my boring blog, then I told them I need a girlfriend because I shouldn't have this much time during the day to be thinking about my blog. Anyways, I appreciate the feedback. I will continue to blog about absolutely nothing.
Like I said before, I lack the ability to focus on one thing so I will just keep up with my quick thoughts, kind of like the comedian Steven Wright but not as funny.
Ready. GO.
I bought the Michael Jackson The Experience dance game. I don't own the Wii. However, I do carry it with me in case the house I am at has the Wii. I wish it came out before Halloween because I definately would have dressed up as MJ and went trick or dancing.
Are the Patriots on tonight? They play football on Mondays?
I heard Scott Zolak say on the radio today the following statement...
'Look for Tom Brady to throw to Welker and Branch tonight.' NO JOKE. Thanks Zolak, I thought he would try and look for Vincent Brisby and Hart Lee Dykes instead. You mean he is going to try and throw to the 2 starting wide receivers.
I had an interview for a promotion at work on Friday. It took 2 hours. When I was done, I was ready to ask for a happy ending. Thankfully, the last song I heard before I entered my interview was 'Firework' by Katy Perry. Everytime I was told 'that was a really good answer', I sang the chorus in my head. 'BABY YOU'RE A FIRREEEEEWORK!!'...Just another reason as to why we should be allowed to play music during certain times throughout the day. Sometimes music makes the moment more than it really is. Kind of like the volleyball scene from TopGun. Watch that scene on mute, then watch that scene with the volume and try to tell me that 'Playin with the Boys' doesn't make that scene. EPIC. And that totally makes zero sense to my original point, I just wanted to think about Tom Cruise on the beach in jeans.
I have realized that I let everyone know that I like alot of songs I shouldn't like as a heterosexual male....for instance 'Firework' by Katy Perry. So I would like to take this moment to say that I like boobs and big butts. Girls are fantastic.....but seriously, Firework is one of hell of an inspirational song. Makes me feel like I have long flowing hair, pecs, triceps, and can do anything I put my mind walk through a petting zoo without peeing my pants.
I just made the mistake of clicking on 'PEOPLE YOU MAY KNOW' on Facebook. I think the page is still made me wonder why am I not friends with all these people on Facebook??? I know them all! Did I do something to every single of them? Am I going to explode into a cloud of dust because this many people I know are not Facebook friends with me? Am I a bad person for not friending them? I am going to have to update my Christmas list. This is absurd.
Every single one of the Cigarette sales reps are women, really hot women. But I bet they smoke or dip, so that makes them instantly unattractive to me. Just sayin'.
Did anyone see Ben Rothelisberger's broken nose last night? The thing was pointing at his ear. What is worse than a broken nose? Like what would you not want to break? I am going to go with dislocated knee cap or elbow. And don't say penis.....grow up.
There needs to be more theme house parties. I went to an Ugly Xmas sweater party over the weekend. It was hilarious. I suggest we have a Jean Tuxedo party in like Febuary. Who wants to host it!? I call stonewash!
I have realized 2 things about my building. It smells great around 430pm because all the people in here are 78+ yrs old and eat dinner super early. Sunday mornings my hallway smells like eggbeaters and bacon because old people love their Sunday breakfast. And I love the smell of bacon, it works out well.
I see Bill Guerin retired from the NHL today. I have a Bill Guerin story. Everyone has a Bill Guerin story right? You don't? LOSERS.
It was my freshman year of college. I was in my Intro to Church class at Assumption. My professor was Sister Ellen Guerin aka the Dean of Students. She asked for all of us to write our name, where we were from and one question we had about the Church. It could be anything. Kids asked is there really wine in that goblet to do you believe in Heaven or Hell? I, of course, asked are you related to Bill Guerin, the current NHL player? Come to find out, it was her nephew! And here I am thinking I was being funny. EGG ON MY FACE!