I probably should not even be blogging right now considering I am not in the greatest of moods, but Doogie Howser always, always, always wrote at the end of each episode no matter how tough of a day he had. With that said, I dont even know what I am going to blog about, I just know it needs to be done for my sanity.
I just attempted to watch Gran Turino with Clint Eastwood. Have you ever seen this film? The 45 mins I could barely stomach were awful. It was just Eastwood, old and wrinkly, saying racist things to people as he held a shotgun to their face. Its time for Eastwood to hang it up. It hurt me to watch him walking around and drooling his lines out of his mouth.
I went for a run today. In my head I was gone for an hour, but in reality it was 15 mins. Did you ever wonder what you looked like as you ran? Am I prancing? Do I look like a dinosaur right now chasing after his prey? Do I have too much arm swing? Ok I will have no arm swing. Wait you look crazy without an arm swing. I will arm swing, but not alot...side to side or up and down? Open hand or closed fist? There is a guy running at me, whats the proper running etiquette? Do I move or does he move? Fuck it, lets play chicken with him.
Me and running dont work well together.
I went for a walk today as well. I could not sit in my house alone after a phone call. All I wanted to do was walk around Thomas Park to calm down. It was nice, overlooking the city, no one else up there. So I thought. I sat on a bench, one of like 35 up there. I just wanted to chill, think, and stare. But this dude out of nowhere comes and sits next to me, starts asking me if I know what the giant block of concrete in front of us was. 'Do you know what this thing is? I see it from my place and wanted to check it out' 'No I dont, sorry'.............AWKWARD SILENCE FOR 6 MINS.
Like really dude? You are gonna ask me right now what this fuckin concrete structure is? Are we in a museum? Isnt there a giant plaque with a description on it? Go read it.
I went food shopping last month. I put myself in the express lane cause I only had a few items. The lady behind me and the cashier spark up a conversation as I am ringing my stuff up. This is how the conversation went..
'Hey Katie! Good to see you back at work'
'Hi, ya it has been a rought couple weeks'
'Ya what happened?'
'Oh well, my sister stole my identity and took all my money, so I had to fix that. Go to court and stuff. Sue her. Then my grandmother passed away.'
'Oh, Im sorry to hear that, well how is your dog doing, I love him'
'We have to put him down tomorrow....paper or plastic sir?'
'Life goes on right'
(Picking my jaw off the floor) 'Ah plastic...'
By far the most heart wrenching 5 mins I will ever have in the Express Lane at Stop n Shop. From now on, I buy more than 12 items and go in the normal line.
Saw Lady Gaga on Idol last week and I was disgusted. Just thought I would share that.