It's Game 7 of the NBA Finals and I have done the best I can to avoid all sports talk radio, all ESPN pregame and other nonsense about the game tonight. I just feel like it is all pointless and none of it comes true. Game 7s are the most unpredicatable games. And to listen to a bunch of reporters talk about 'stepping up', 'leaving it on the court', and 'no turning back' gets to be pretty boring. So in order to pass the next 3 hours, I figured I would just write about anything.
As a kid with male pattern baldness, I get real annoyed with guy's hair-dos. I say to myself, you have this tremendous gift of hair and thats how you choose to wear it. Thats how I feel when I see Justin Bieber. Now, I like Bieber(its a phase, I swear), but his hair-do makes my head spin. Throw some LA Looks in it or something man, change it up. I hope all his hair falls out soon and he has only pictures of that hair-do to remember his hair. Disgusting.
Celts win tonight. I had to get it out there so I can tell people 'I told you so'.
My dad texted me to come by the house after work because he made a couple sandwiches. And by a 'couple' he meant............18. I know have 13 cold cut sandwiches in my fridge. They will be gone by Tuesday.
I don't like provolone cheese. It tastes funny to me.
I had a guy tell me he tried renting rollerblades. I found that weird. People still 'blade'? You can rent rollerblades?
I need to visit Rollerworld soon. Who is in?
I have never been on skis, skates, or rollerblades. I would be like a newborn calf trying to walk if I were to lace a pair up. I am putting it on my bucket list.
Nate Robinson plays big minutes tonight.
Oreo cookies are slowly creeping up to the #1 spot on my favorite cookie list. Chewy Chips Ahoy are holding it right now, but not by much. I should be writing a Top 20 Cookie list soon.
How good is that Alejandro song by Lady Gaga? Shit.
Someone told me about Hot 97.7 now being Hot 87.7 now. Let me tell you, their Back in the Day Buffet is light years better than 94.5s the last couple days. Just pure early 90s slow jams. H-Town. Shai. Silk. Bobby Brown. I forgot how great a song Tender Roni was. I think I want to be Every Little Step Bobby Brown for halloween just so I can do the dance and wear that outfit. But I have yet to fulfill my dream of being the Karate Kid shower..........one day.
Look out for Lamar Odom tonight. He scares me for whatever reason.
I am making it a mission to learn how to Pop N Lock by Longden's wedding in October. I need a new move for the dance floor. I have realized doing 'The Worm' is the end of the line for me. When I go to that in a dance off like I did 3 weeks ago, I am toast. Need a new move and its coming.
So let me get this straight, there is a new Michael Jackson video game coming out and all you have to do is dance like him. I hope it comes with the glittered outfit from the Rock With Ya video. That is on my Christmas List.
I had an old lady push me out of the way of a door the other day. You really can't yell at her cause she won't hear you and you can't really retaliate because you could kill her. It was a lose lose situation.
It's fuckin Game 7. Celts win by 3. Enjoy the weekend.
And with the recent events and conversations I have had with friends, I need to say this.
'The attitude you bring towards life, determines the attitude life brings towards you.'
We all need to start being nicer to each other and being there for one another. No arguement is too big to say goodbye to a loved one. We only have one life and we can't control the future, only the present. When your feet hit the floor in the morning, be thankful for your health, your family and your friends. Live in the moment. I am not saying live each day like its your last, but live it, thats all. Say how you feel, tell your family you care about them, don't think just do. Go after what you want and have no regrets about it. Happiness truly is the key to life.