Monday, February 7, 2011

I took today off.  Why is the day after the Super Bowl not a national holiday yet?  I didn't go to a Super Bowl party or anything, instead I watched my nephew rollover like a cub or a drunk midget. I didn't take today off because of the Super Bowl, I took it off because I am on a Contra like adventure to try and find a new job ASAP.  I am on like Stage 3 'Waterfalls'.  I say that because that is a hell of a level to beat because the screen keeps moving and if you don't move fast enough, you will die....and right now I am dying because life keeps moving and I can't keep up with it.  Bills, food, my drinking problem, and gambling are all things I need to keep up with, and the screen is moving way too fast for me. I need the Dave Coultier 'Out of Control' Remote and either pause life or slow it down before I wind up living back in my parents basement, turn into a chain smoker, trying to win a radio contest just so I can move out again. 

Speaking of my parents.  I walked into the house today to see what food I could steal and my dad is sitting on the couch with a neckbrace on. What the fuck?  You didn't have that neckbrace on yesterday.  This is when my brother chimes in and says 'THROW THE BRIEFCASE!'.  I love when random Brady Bunch episodes pop up in real life. 

 So I drove an hour to Bedford,NH to speak to some recruiter about getting me a job.  I drove for an hour to discuss my resume.  I drove an hour to discuss what we already discussed on the phone 8 times. I drove an hour for her to call me 5 hours later to tell me she spoke with her boss and will start to find a couple companies where I may fit.  I drove an hour, put on a shirt and tie, for nothing. I looked good though. But I didnt have to go into work today because doing anything other going to work nowadays is fuckin awesome. So I ask again, why is the day after the Super Bowl not a national holiday yet?  Just trade out President's Day which we get off in 2 weeks with the Monday after the Super Bowl.  Who do I speak to about this?  Mitt Romney? Morgan Freeman? Zuckerberg? (I watched the Social Network over the weekend)

Looking for a new job is pretty friggin stressful.  First of all, I hate my current job which makes finding a new job that much more stressful because all you want to do is find one so you can walk into the office, take a huge dump on the boss's desk and say 'I give my 2 weeks.........and some corn..PHHHBTT'.  Every company or recruiter that calls me asks why I am looking for a new job and I say 2 things..
1.I need more money because I have been living off of a PB&J the last 2 weeks
2.The life is being sucked out of me every day and I will dead by age 32.
They respond with this question:Would you rather work at a job you make alot of money but you are miserable with or would you rather work at a job where you don't make alot but you are happy?
I usually couch my answer, but I want to say I would like a job where I make alot of money and I am happy, why is that so hard to find?  It is amazing, how you feel about your job can totally affect every ounce of your life.  My current status is I HATE PEOPLE.  And it all stems from my job. I have actually considered having my brother and sister in law hire me as their full time Nanny.  Then I can definately fulfill my dream of being Michael Keaton from 'Mr. Mom'. 

 Like I said, I have been eating PB&J for the last 2 weeks.  Question.
So simple. So good. You can eat so much and never feel gross.   Was there an age cutoff for PB&J? Do people think they were too cool for PB&J? And why did I have my mother cut off the crust when I was a kid?  The crust is almost the best part.  And why did I hate the crunchy peanut butter before?  Crunchy peanut butter makes the whole sandwich.  I will say that eating PB and Fluff is a little childish, but PB&J is definately still socially acceptable and could be a great party food.