I will give you 2 choices here. You can choose to believe that I chose Easter to return my blog because.....
1. I felt my blog is very Jesus like and on this day it needed to be resurrected
2. I have drank 2 coffees, 3 Coca Colas ate Easter cookies and watched the Celtics sweep in the past 2 hours so I am flying....
I couldn't even tell you when my last blog entry was nor does anyone reading this probably care. But it is kinda tough keeping a blog up to date consistently when you aren't getting paid to do it and you definately don't think your life is that important or interesting to the rest of the world. If I did think that then I would request someone to follow me around with a Boombox blasting this song all day, every day just to emphasize it.
Let's just get right to it. READY SET......HAPPY EASTER! GO!
-Did I mention the Celts swept today? This is the only reason I wish I kept up with my blog so I could have in writing what I have been preaching before the Perk trade and most certainly after the Perk trade. The Celts have 4 all stars! They don't go anywhere if those 4 all stars play poorly and you can't judge the trade until the playoffs, but even then, it falls on the 4 all stars and the 40+ mins they will be playing. It has nothing to do with Perk, nothing to do with Kristic and Green. 4 All Stars and a great in game coach. Thats it. Let's see where that gets them. I say the NBA Finals. But hey, what do I know, I stopped playing hoops after my freshmen year in high school. I sucked. I could shoot the jumper like a young Mark Price, but I was too much of a pussy to do anything else. I just played because my Mom would buy me the newest Reebok Pumps. Although she did buy me the white ones, not the cool looking black ones. I think she even knew I wasn't cool enough or good enough to wear the black Pumps. Good looking out Ma.
-I cannot begin to tell you how much my life has changed ever since I finally got a cord to play my IPod in my car. It has only been 24 hours since I got one, but HOLY SHIT. I just want to drive around in circles in the parking lot listening to music that is never on the radio. I would put my dancing skills while operating a vehicle up against anyone now that I have a functioning Ipod. I probably look like a dousche, but I could care less, I can play Prince's "You Sexy Motherfucker" whenever and wherever. That is life. PERIOD.
-Let it be known, I am not a Bruins fan and I am secretly waiting for them to collapse so I can laugh internally because doing that in public in a bar full of Bruins fan is a basically asking to get my head ripped off. Those people are maniacs.
-StepBrothers is on and it has entered into my Top 5 movies.
Rounding out the Top 5 are...
-Back to the Future
-Karate Kid and...
-TeenWolf......you can laugh at that list. It is rather pathetic, but fuckin awesome at the same time.
-The lady in front of me at the Dunkin Donuts drive thru bought my order today. I was shocked and extremely pumped, but slightly upset that I didnt order my first Big N Toasty. I will do my best to pay-it-forward and see if we can actually make that Liberty Mutual commercial come true....its my move, keep your eyes open. I am secretly hoping I get the chance to save someone from being hit by a car. I have seen Spiderman way too much.
-I got a new job and I started it last week. Let me tell you this, I love wearing a shirt and tie to work. I know, I will hate it in like 2 weeks, but this is coming from a kid who hated his job for the past 2 years and chose to wear hooded sweatshirts for a straight 4 months. It has only been a week, but shit, a shirt and tie can really make a guy feel important. My whole first week consisted of me studying scripts and making me feel like I am the auditioning for a high school role in Death of a Salesman, but I am digging it. But back to the shirt and tie every day....I havent been this excited to pick out my clothes the night before since I graduated 4th grade and was heading into 5th grade. I secretly wish it was still socially acceptable to wear to work a pair of Gibeau jeans along with a Champion sweatshirt with a dickey underneath and I could finish out the outfit with a pair of Mario shoes with the silver buckle. There was a fuckin reason I won Fashion Plate in Mrs Walker's 5th grade class. But I guess I lost my sense of style because I never won the title again. I kinda wanna bring back Superlatives.
-Is it good or bad that I do more dancing in my kitchen than I do cooking? I blame Chris Brown and his new album........and my inability to want to measure things out accurately and my hatred to cook at the current moment. For lunch last week, I went to BK twice, Wendys once, and ordered pizza with the people in the office. If you were to cut me open, grease would pour of out me and I would smell like bacon....
-McDonalds coffee is giving Dunking Donuts a strong push for my top choice....and it is only a dollar.
-I can't decide who I don't like more. A guy who says 'WE' when he is talking about his hometown team at a bar or the guy who is wearing a jersey at a bar and constantly tried to get the bar to do a 'LETS GO BOSTON!' chant going? I am gonna flip a coin....or maybe I just suck and they hate me for not wearing a jersey, not starting a chant, and never saying 'WE' when I am talking about the team.
-Shopping for a gift for my nephew may be the most stressful thing in the world. I just wanted to get him a toy for Easter, but all the toys in Toys R Us suck nowadays huh. The best option was a steering wheel that made noises. Come on. How do I get that job that Tom Hanks had in BIG?? I want to sit in an office all day and play with toys, then say which ones suck and which ones have potential. Is that on Craigslist?
Instead I went with a bunch of clothes for the kid. I usually get him 3-4 cool pieces of clothing and then 1 shirt that I would never want to be seen in, I only get it to see the reaction of my brother and sister in law. I chose to get him a shirt that will make the little guy look like Mr Furley from 3s Company or if they stole the print from the kitchen wallpaper of That 70s Show. Similar to this....
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